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ребят подскажите пожалуйста N8 не видит внутренний накопитель камера ек открывает шторки, комп видит только память тела пробывал прошивать результата нет в чем может быть проблема ?
вот что пишет фен припрошивке
Flashing started
Creating product data items list
Product data items list created
Backup not required
KeepProductInFlashModeAfterFlash is supported only for FPS-X devices. Ignoring the flag
Flashing phone
Scanning image files...
Waiting for USB device...
Loading secondary boot code: 15168 bytes
Secondary boot loaded
BB Asic Index is: 00
Asic ID is: 000000030000022600010007600C192102031104
BB Asic Index is: 00
EM Asic ID is: 00001040
BB Asic Index is: 00
EM Asic ID is: 00001060
BB Asic Index is: 00
Public ID is: 1CE002052FDC034405B96D5AE5D73149D755A10A
BB Asic Index is: 00
Asic Mode ID: 00
BB Asic Index is: 00
Hash: 916F75217F32081248B15C38DFC8E81B
BB Asic Index is: 00
ROM ID: E693EF0DAC22615B
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 05
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: 0000
Device ID: 0000
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0000
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 04
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: FFFF
Device ID: 0000
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0000
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 00
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: 0000
Device ID: 0000
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0000
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 00
Device Index is: 01
Manufacturer code: 0000
Device ID: 0001
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0000
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 03
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: 00EC
Device ID: 0050
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0232
Loading update server code: 868592 bytes
Update server loaded
Asic CMT: Start programming 2455321 KB...
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 0%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 10%
Error when flashing Algo (0x84009004)
Unable to flash phone 0x84009004
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
All operations completed
Product flashing aborted

ответ опубликован:
Рейтинг: 5
голосов: 2
