всем привет. ребят как я понимаю графика иконок находится в авконе2 . суть вопроса . можно ли как то подправить (вытянуть,удлинить) батарейку , для нокии N8 как на скрине. сделал в фотошопе что бы ясен вопрос был. спс
Доброго времени, нужно заменить тему на прошивке Belle Refresh, точнее сказать в модпрошивке, я ее редактирую, стандартная уже заменена, вот ее то и надо удалить и поставить другую. Прошу помощи
Прошу помощи. Есть хотелка обучить nokia n95-3 NAM rm-160 русскому языку. Можно ли это сделать, добавив в прошивку nokiacooker ом эти файлы от обычного n95? \resource\fep\aknfep.rNN \resource\plugins\anykeyplugins.rNN \resource\multitap\Pti*.RSC \sys\bin\Elocl.NN
Тут все не так просто Телефон железно отличается от обычных н95 и н95 8 гб. Смена продукт кода ничего не даст. Уточню вопрос. Если я отредактирую файлы родной прошивки \resource\multitap\Pti*.RSC и прошью телефон, он не умрет?
NokiaCooker v3.4 Change-Log: - New: NokiaCooker will automatically download and install new updates - Fixed: "Can't detect partition data" was shown, when opening some core fw files (eg. N95, N96) - Improved: NaviFirm+ v2.0 - Improved: you can disable the backup creation by setting the "MakeBackup" value to "False" in the .config file - Improved: partition detection (added partvers 0x0100000)
NokiaCooker v3.3 Change-Log: - New: can be associated to .vpl and .fpsx extensions. Just double-click on a fw file, NokiaCooker will be launched and unpack the selected fw file - Improved: general exception handling. Some exceptions were not caught correctly, causing NokiaCooker to unexpectedly close without showing any error message. - Improved: minor improvements
NokiaCooker v3.2 Change-Log: - New: Partition Manager. It is now possible to repartition the fw and choose the size of ROFS1, ROFS2, ROFS3, UDA. You can even transfer the free ROFS space to the UDA, in order to increase the total available space on c:\ You should not use the Partition Manager on cfw which have been already repartitioned in other ways. - Improved: the copy option in the log window, copies only the selected text - Improved: new block (3A) gets parsed for CORE files - Improved: new header fields (E5, EA) gets parsed for CORE files - Improved: better Fat detection for UDA files - Improved: rewritten parsing of .vpl files - Fixed: when connected to the pc, the Phone Memory was shown as "NOKIACOO~0" or "NCxx" - Fixed: a wrong clusters computation, could cause a data loss for the 2 last clusters in the UDA, when filled at the top.
NokiaCooker v3.1 Change-Log: - New: added a new message to the Cookers. - Improved: the "Expand All / Collapse All" options, will expand and collapse only the currently selected folder. - Fixed: when sorting list, sometimes empty lines were shown, instead of the files entries. - Fixed: error message "can not read from the end of the stream" when opening some UDA files (eg. X7)
NokiaCooker v3.0 Change-Log: - Fixed: when trying to extend the ROFS1 an ArgumentOutOfRangeException was raised for some fw files (eg. N95)
NokiaCooker v2.9 Change-Log: - Fixed: error message "can not read from the end of the stream" when repacking some UDA files (eg. X7)
NokiaCooker v2.8 Change-Log: - Fixed: removed message "This version is too much old".
NokiaCooker v2.7 Change-Log: - Fixed: then error message "key not present in the dictionary" was shown in some circumstances during repack. - Improved: NaviFirm+ plugin has been updated to the latest version 1.7
NokiaCooker v2.6 Change-Log: - Fixed: Extend ROFS1 feature was broken due to the 2.5 changes related to the Unlock ROFS.
NokiaCooker v2.5 Change-Log: - Fixed: sometimes the following message was wrongly shown when saving the fw file "Error repacking fw, Block position has changed!" - Improved: Unlock ROFS feature has been rewritten to support a larger set of core files. - Improved: NokiaCooker adds its own signature to the file \resource\versions\customersw.txt
NokiaCooker v2.4 Change-Log: - New: I've only added a personal message to Cookers It will be shown after the fw has been repacked.
NokiaCooker v2.3.1 Change-Log: - Fixed: the final CRC value was still wrong for some fw files.
NokiaCooker v2.3 Change-Log: - Fixed: a quick, but important, bug-fix. In the previous version, the changes to the ROFS1 (CORE) were not applied.
NokiaCooker v2.2 Change-Log: - New: added new option to extract the ROM. You can find it inside the menu "Advanced > Extract ROM to File..." - Improved: reports an error when trying to open corrupted firmware files. - Improved: slightly changes to the fw parsing engine. - Fixed: the final CRC value was wrong for files < 1Mb. - Fixed: "Can't detect Partition Data" error when opening an unkown image format.
NokiaCooker v2.1 Change-Log: - New: you can extend the ROFS1 partition to the maximum size. - New: added Yellow status for the Estimated Size. .When it is marked in Red, the repack will probably fail and you'll be forced to remove some data. .When it is marked in Green the repack will probably complete successfully. .When it is marked in Yellow, the size of the current data is near to the limits of the Partition, so you have to try to repack the fw to know exactly if it will be repacked successfully or not. .In any case, NokiaCooker will never let you write outside of the Partition Size limits, so it will be always safe to flash the repacked fw. - Improved: shows a confirm dialog when you attempt to close the fw file and it has not been saved yet. - Improved: in order to grand a safe repack, 2 different checks are performed when repacking the data to be 100% sure that the new data will not exceed the maximum partition length. - Improved: toolbars settings (text and icon size) can be customized using the right mouse button. - Improved: added expand all / collapse all commands in the treeview. - Improved: avoid TreeView flickering when the directory selected contains a lot of files. - Improved: computation of the final CRC takes less memory, allowing to process bigger UDA files. - Improved: better computation of the new blocks needed during repack. - Improved: ROFS1 partition size detection. - Fixed: message "NokiaCooker is running as Administrator" was wrongly shown when UAC was disabled. - Fixed: after removing some data from the ROFS1, the filesize of the repacked fw was still unchanged. - Fixed: shows an error when trying to repack an unsupported UDA-MMC (BlockType49) - Fixed: drag&drop was disabled after selecting a recent fw file that didn't exist anymore
*** Informations for Developers about Plugins ***
When NokiaCooker launches your application it will pass the 4 command-line parameters below: 1) the file currently selected in the window on the right side 2) the path where the fw files have been extracted (eg: c:\nokiacooker\files\n8fw_extracted\) 3) firmware filename (eg: RM-596_011.012_U01.01_79.92_prd.uda.fpsx) 4) firmware type (UDA, ROFS, CORE, UNKNOWN)
How to read the arguments depends on the programming language you're using: - for Delphi you should use ParamStr() ParamCount() - for C# you can find the source code of a skeleton Plugin inside \NokiaCooker\TestPlugins\
NokiaCooker is a PC software reserved to the Cookers, which allows to modify the files containing the phone's firmware to create customized firmwares versions named Cooked-Firmware. Nokia Cooker can modify data which is located in: - UDA - CORE (only ROFS1 data) - ROFS - ROFx
Not all the ROFS/ROFx can be modded! Modding a protected ROFS/ROFx you'll risk to brick the phone. If you aren't sure that your ROFS/ROFx can be modded, don't do it. The modding of the UDA, instead, is always a safe operation.
This software is provided "as is" with no warranty whatsoever, express or implied and moreover, WITHOUT any technical support, so, DO NOT contact me about this, because you WILL NOT receive any reply.
If you don't know how to install, or how to use it, probably you don't need Nokia Cooker at all.
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