Katya_Nokia, тогда наверно надо попробывать скриптом сделать вайп, https://avatar.dimonvideo.ru/forum/att/1728148711/0c0_android_revolution_hd_super_wipe.zip я правда не помню как, наверно так же как и прошивку, скидываешь файл на карту памяти, потом через рекавери через install zip from sdcard находишь этот скрипт и запускаешь ------------- добавлено в 22.59: надеюсь я правильный скрипт нашел
* Based off of Clean Android 4.1.1 Rev4 (JRO03L) * T-mobile Theme Manager (tmobile, CyanogenMod, xoomdev) * Trebuchet Custom Launcher (CyanogenMod) * Ability to set custom ringtone delay (in phone settings - Netboy) * Framework: added support for caller name display (kenshin) * Framework: ability to set custom carrier label (Netboy) * Framework: re-enabled "Screen Candy" (Android Screensavers) * Framework: ability to sync Facebook contacts (romanbb) * Browser: option open tab in incognito mode (Arham Jamal) * Browser: option to close all other tabs (Arham Jamal) * Browser: unhid the user agent settings * DeskClock: added settings to do nothing/snooze/dismiss and alarm by flipping the device (maurodec) * Keyboard: ability to use the volume buttons to move the cursor (romanbb) * Settings: ADB over Network (enable TCP/IP debugging over Network interfaces (WiFi, Usb networks) * Settings: Option to change the devices hostname * Settings: Hardware info in about phone (romanbb) * Bluetooth: AVRCP (adding new metadata when playing music over bluetooth - Trey Brigg)
* Customizable Phone App: - T9 Dialer/Landscape/Dialpad Settings (CyanogenMod) - End call to Home (qnhoang81)
* Customizable Power Menu (codenamedroid)
* Customizable Status Bar: (Miui, CyanogenMod, romanbb, sethyx, kejar, syaoran12, romanbb, Stevespear426, Kyle Teague) - Notification counter - Battery Icon style - Battery Icon in notification bar - Miui style battery bar - Clock style - Customizable Clock Color - Clock Am/Pm style - Clock Day of the Week
* Customizable Notification bar: - Notification bar Power Widget (Cvcps, DvTonder – CyanogenMod)
* Customizable Navigation Bar: (Zaphod-Beeblebrox, KhasMek, romanbb, akellar) - Customizable navigation button and button glow color - Menu button visibility and location - Number of navigation buttons - Order of navigation buttons - Navigation bar size - Navigation bar transparency
* Customizable Lockscreen: - Option to disable vibration on the lockscreen (StevenHarper) - Customizable number of lockscreen targets (CyanogenMod) - Configurable lockscreen wallpaper (Danesh M) - Option to always show lockscreen battery (Blunden) - Add weather to the lockscreen (DvTonder, Danesh M, Marius Volkhart, Rick C, Aokp) - Add calendar reminders to the lockscreen (David Morgan) - Lockscreen before secure unlock (Danesh M) - Ability to unlock with menu (CyanogenMod) - Quick pin unlock (unlock with pin/password without pressing ok – CyanogenMod)
* Customizable Display Settings: (CyanogenMod) - Customizable Rotation Modes - Optional landscape lockscreen on phones (Interface -> Display -> Rotation - Kelly Craft) - Customizable LED Pulse (Duration and Color) - Volume wake (tap either the up or down volume key to wake your phone from sleep) - Volume music controls (long press volume buttons to skip tracks)
* Custom Profiles: (CyanogenMod) - Assign different profiles to change the behavior of your phone to your liking
* Quiet Hours: (CyanogenMod) - The ability to set when notification sounds, haptic feedback, vibration and notification light will function
* Performance Settings: - Start-up tweaks (kejar, Jrummy) - Processor Speed (change cpu governor and clock speed) - Voltage controls (kejar, Jrummy) - Kernel controls (kejar, Jrummy)
* Developer Options: - Developer tools - Device information - Ability to change LCD Density (DPI) - Ability to change Dalvick cache heapsize - Ability to change WiFi scan interval (saves battery)
- Android 4.1.1 - CM10 Kernel - Superuser & Busybox preinstalled - Deodexed - Built in performance/init.d configuration - Advance Power Menu - Brightness Slider On Status Bar - Yes Its In There - Quiet hours - AOKP Wallpapers - Mute Camera Sounds - AOKP Statistics - Battery Bar - Expandable Volume Panel - LED Options - Clock Location: Right, Center, Disable - Battery Icon: CircleMod, Bar, Text Only, Icon Only, Icon+Text or None - Toggles: Auto rotate, Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi, Aiplane mode, Vibrate, Silent, Sync, Data, 4G, Tethering, Torch, Brightness - More .. See Yourself
- Tethering FC's (Try Barnacle wifi tether from playstore * it works ) - Camera - Front Only Force Closes ( If you try and are not able to revert back follow these steps )
1.Go to Settings 2.Go to Apps 3.Search for System Apps 4.Go to Gallery 5.Clear data
-Video Recorder -FC on Launcher after switching a few times from portrait to landscape and back. ( Happens Sometimes ) Video playback issues try turn off HW overlay
Доброе утро, ну или что там у вас ! Собрал в одно место все прошивки Android 4.0 - 4.1, кроме тех, зеркалить которые авторы запретили и тех, которые не смог найти и сделал раздачу с целью облегчить поиск и скачивание. MIUI пока не добавил, но в будущем добавлю. Сам торрент-файл лежит ЗДЕСЬ. Если что, можно добавить в шапку.
прошивку miui не добавляй. в ней столько косяков. камера и клава от сенса до сих пор. на этой недели даже не выпустили для нас обновление. предполагаюрешили убрать все от сенса и поставить от миу как и должно быть